
Get to know about us, what motivates us. Know our roots and mission. Be a part of this authentic and direct from creators initiative.

From Founder

A master craftsman in Tilla work with over thirty-five years of experience, my father ran a quiet, traditional enterprise, producing fine quality handicrafts with a group of artisans who worked under him. In 2013, during my college days, I took charge of my father’s handicrafts business, while he was unwell. That is when the idea of reinventing the business first took shape. In 2014, Craftick was born. Registered with the Department of Handicrafts, our products made their way onto social media sites like Instagram and Faceook under this brand name.

Jasir Arfat
Founder - Kashmir based Craftpreneur
Social Media
Our Story

The main craft of Craftick is Tilla work. A person who works directly with artisans must have an ingrained quality of patience. My family felt that I am endowed with it, and so would be the best suited to take the business forward.

Originating in one of the zari villages of Iran, Tilla (another name for zari work) made its way to Kashmir when the revered Sufi saint Shah-e-Hamdan (RA) migrated from Iran into the Valley along with a group of 700 craftsmen, among whom were Tilla artisans. The craft gained prominence under the patronage of the Mughal badshahs, who recognized its innate beauty and grandeur, and used Tilla-embroidered masterpieces in their palaces, thus setting it into timeless fashion.
Comprised of intricate motifs and patterns described on needle point in threads of silver, gold, copper, and sometimes a combination of these, Tilla’s classical ornamentation has been the taste of royalty and the elite since time immemorial.

Tilla artisans are very rare in Kashmir. It is difficult to master, is time consuming and requires the upmost skill, and so the younger generations do not find it lucrative and so are not interested in taking up this craft. To honour the skill that goes into tilla, I chose Craftick, or “skill” as my brand name.

Pashmina Shawls , Sarees , Suits , Dupattas, Pherans ,

Our Artisian
Master Artisan – Abdul Ahad Ganie

The Story of Abdul Ahad Ganie as Master Craftsman in ‘Tilla Embroidery’ is as striking as his unique creations marked by his own very exuberant designs and extraordinary contribution to the development of craft.
Abdul Ahad is a sixty years old master craftsman, lives in a village Wakura, situated 25 Kms from Srinagar City. His contribution towards the development of craft has been tremendous, by mentoring more than 100 men and women to learn the craft. He traces his own designs and motifs mostly representing flora and fauna of Kashmir. With his passion and dedication towards the craft Abdul Ahad has achieved such a fame that He is the first name people turn to when it comes to ‘Tilla Craft’. It really makes me feel proud that apart from earning my own livelihood, I helped many people learn and earn from this craft, said Ahad with a smile on his face.
Abdul Ahad sits in his workshop from morning to twilight , performing all the activities related to craft and generates new ideas and designs. After four decades , Abdul Ahad is more happy to get his hands dirty with the ink used for tracing and making samples of his designs.
Ahad as a passionate artisan is dedicated to excellence producing works that are very beautiful and have an emotional appeal.


All our products are handcrafted by artisans of Kashmir. Quality Gauranteed

Pure Organic

All our products used are organic and eco friendly. Raw material is native from Kashmir.


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